Friday, April 25, 2008

Tribe Looking Better

I know it is a long season, so forgive me if I got a little depressed about how my Tribe was playing. I'm still not convinced that they are the AL Central favorites, but the last few days have been fun.

Today the weather was in the 80's - the blimp was overhead and my Cleveland Indians beat the Yankees, even with Paul Byrd on the mound. John asked me "Why does Uncle Drew think Paul Byrd is bad?" and Paul promptly served up his second homer of the night to Giambi. "That's why son, that's why!"

1 comment:

  1. Paul Byrd is not BAD.....he is just not a good pitcher....a career .500 guy making $7 Million per annum.
    Even Paul Byrd's own son told him that if he was good, he'd be pitching for the Yankees!
