Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Google a pizza from your cell phone.

You are out of town. You get a hankering for a pepperoni pizza. But you don't know the location or phone number of a local pizza joint. What will you do? What WILL you do? Find a phone book? That is so 1967.

What I would do is flip open my cell phone and send a text message to Mr. Google. If I was in Beverly Hills, I would text "pizza.90210" to "GOOGL" on my SMS enabled phone. And I would know the street address and phone number of a local pizza joint. In theory. It is a beta program.

You can also get driving directions and weather, stock quotes and more.

Here is what Google says about it.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Browns

I grew up with the Browns. I can recall seeing bumper stickers proclaiming the Browns "The Winningest Team in the NFL." I can list former Browns Greats quicker than I can list first cousins. I survived the Model debacle.

I can no longer abide what has become a complete and total embarassment. I would love to personally ask each and every player what it feels like to be Pittsburgh's b***.

I apologize for such negativity on Christmas Eve, but they had the nerve to take the field on Christmas Eve and roll over and play dead.

As long as fans continue to buy every seat in the house to watch lousy football, the Browns will continue to dwell in the cellar of the AFC North.

A joke stolen from a Packer's fan..."The Browns are changing their name to the Cleveland 'Possums. At home, they roll over and play dead and they get killed on the road."

One disgusted fan,


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Say it ain't so, Shapiro!

The hot rumor on the hot stove league has Coco Crisp going to the BoSox for Bronson Arroyo. This can't happen. My two year old son's favorite player is Coco Crisp. If the Indians trade him, his heart will be broken. Let's face it, if you raise your child to be an Indians fan you know his heart WILL be broken. But before his third birthday? When he is about to have a Very Coco Christmas? That is too much. I appeal to you Mr. Shapiro, don't do it.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

First person account - Iraq

Below is a letter written by a soldier currently serving in Iraq with the U.S. Army. It was submitted to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review. It was forwarded by a fellow soldier, who asked that we spread the word about how our soldiers are affected by the politics in Washington D.C. One man's opinion, you might say. I say it must be respected.

Unfriendly fire

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I am an infantry soldier with "Task Force Panther" from Pennsylvania. We are deployed in the Anbar Province of Iraq. I have also been a registered Democrat for 25 years. Over the years I've watched and warned that our party was falling into an abyss of absolutely reprehensible behavior.

Was the Democratic Party so afraid of a victory in Iraq, three weeks before its national election, that it would coerce its last respected member in Congress to abandon U.S. soldiers while still in the field?

How dare you, Mr. Murtha -- a Vietnam veteran -- sell out soldiers in combat right before the end of a successful mission! Your behavior is inexcusable. You should be ashamed. I am sure the terrorist insurgency is grateful to you for announcing our defeat days before yet another victory in this country. You owe every American soldier a formal apology.

You could have been remembered as distinguished member of Congress, but now you'll only be remembered as a foolish old man who sold out his country to a den of vipers in the Democratic Party. Thank you for proving once and for all that the Democratic Party is the party of the sore loser, the selfish whiner and the gutless coward. So what was the price to betray us, Judas?

May God have mercy on your soul.

Note: We the returning soldiers of this war will be the force to tell the truth about this conflict and about the despicable actions of the Democratic Party.

Sgt. Mark Russak
"B" Co. 1/110th
North Irwin

Not much doubt where he stands, is there?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Konerko back with the Sox

I knew that he wasn't going to be picked up by the Tribe, but at least I was hoping for him to sign with a left coast team (Tokyo?). Let's hope that some of the ChiSox starting pitching falls off this year, beacause the middle of their lineip looks mighty tough!