Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Today's Soap Box

Two things I have read today have me sitting back and scratching my head.

1) The Bachelor and his girl are no longer together. I never watched this show closely because there was just something there that didn't seem believable. I know the show is edited for TV but I guess I have a hard time believing that a guy or girl is going to find the perfect mate in 8 weeks. I wonder if they like the free pass to date 15 people at once and not getting an slack for it.

2) Madonna's daughter asked if she was gay because she saw the footage of her kissing Brittany Spears. Madonna's response? I was passing on my super star powers. Oh - yea did I mention they play a game guess who is gay?? I hope my sons and I never play that game.

1 comment:

  1. Can't comment on the first point. I think the whole concept is vile.

    As for the material girl, she needs to go back to Michigan and drop the fake English accent and get the heck over her old peroxide poisoned self.
