Wednesday, May 14, 2008


A lot of places have them to protect themselves but I think in the long run it loses business. For example MCI was my long distance carrier. I probably used them once in the last 6 years because of my cell phone is now more my long distance choice. Well they decided to institute a minimum usage fee in February. I haven't had a balance so I haven't opened up my bill. Then I received a phone call asking me to pay $25.84. I said come again I haven't used your service why do I owe you this amount? The "financial" person couldn't tell me so I had to call back on Monday to the Customer Service center. Then on Monday when I got my monthly bill from them I saw what they were talking about and oh yea - the 99 cents they were charging for a paper statement was now going up the $1.99. No thank you. I feel for the people who don't have access to a computer. Maybe the government should hand those out along with the food stamps.

I think I was most amused when I called AT&T to complain about the price of my internet service going up. When I asked the guy for a discount he sat there in silence not knowing what to say. I'm supposed to get $6 off my next bill but I would rather have that credit everytime. I figure if they can give it to you once they can give it to you again.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have home long distance either. I dial 1010-220 or whatever Eva Save-a-lot tells me to dial.

    I try not to use my cell for long distance 'cause no one likes being yelled at over long distance. They only like being yelled at locally.

