Google Trends is a fun website to monitor popular searches on Google on a day-to-day basis. Some blogging types use it as the proverbial finger in the wind to help them determine what subject might drive traffic to their site. Shameless or savvy? I report, you decide.
Sometimes the searches that percolate to the top just make you scratch your head. But today's takes the cake. During the debate, the candidates both invoked the "There will be no litmus test for Supreme Court nominees." promise.
Apparently more than a few people misheard that and bolted to Google to find out what a "lipness test" is. Check out #16 (update: now it is #18).
To quote Larry the Cable Guy (and Tow Mater), "I don't care who you are - that's funny!"
Way too funny - I'm surprised they can type www.google.com!