Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Google a pizza from your cell phone.
What I would do is flip open my cell phone and send a text message to Mr. Google. If I was in Beverly Hills, I would text "pizza.90210" to "GOOGL" on my SMS enabled phone. And I would know the street address and phone number of a local pizza joint. In theory. It is a beta program.
You can also get driving directions and weather, stock quotes and more.
Here is what Google says about it.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
The Browns
I can no longer abide what has become a complete and total embarassment. I would love to personally ask each and every player what it feels like to be Pittsburgh's b***.
I apologize for such negativity on Christmas Eve, but they had the nerve to take the field on Christmas Eve and roll over and play dead.
As long as fans continue to buy every seat in the house to watch lousy football, the Browns will continue to dwell in the cellar of the AFC North.
A joke stolen from a Packer's fan..."The Browns are changing their name to the Cleveland 'Possums. At home, they roll over and play dead and they get killed on the road."
One disgusted fan,
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Say it ain't so, Shapiro!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
First person account - Iraq
Unfriendly fire
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I am an infantry soldier with "Task Force Panther" from Pennsylvania. We are deployed in the Anbar Province of Iraq. I have also been a registered Democrat for 25 years. Over the years I've watched and warned that our party was falling into an abyss of absolutely reprehensible behavior.
Was the Democratic Party so afraid of a victory in Iraq, three weeks before its national election, that it would coerce its last respected member in Congress to abandon U.S. soldiers while still in the field?
How dare you, Mr. Murtha -- a Vietnam veteran -- sell out soldiers in combat right before the end of a successful mission! Your behavior is inexcusable. You should be ashamed. I am sure the terrorist insurgency is grateful to you for announcing our defeat days before yet another victory in this country. You owe every American soldier a formal apology.
You could have been remembered as distinguished member of Congress, but now you'll only be remembered as a foolish old man who sold out his country to a den of vipers in the Democratic Party. Thank you for proving once and for all that the Democratic Party is the party of the sore loser, the selfish whiner and the gutless coward. So what was the price to betray us, Judas?
May God have mercy on your soul.
Note: We the returning soldiers of this war will be the force to tell the truth about this conflict and about the despicable actions of the Democratic Party.
Sgt. Mark Russak
"B" Co. 1/110th
North Irwin
Not much doubt where he stands, is there?
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Konerko back with the Sox
Monday, November 28, 2005
Did you know
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thome to the White Sox????
Anybody got word on this Ryan guy?? What is Wicky's story???
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Mark Steyn does it again!
The old head-hacker was sufficiently rattled by the critical pans of his Jordanian hotel bombings that he issued the first IRA-style apology in al-Qa'eda's history. "People of Jordan, we did not undertake to blow up any wedding parties," he said. "For those Muslims who were killed, we ask God to show them mercy, for they were not targets." Yeah, right. Tell it to the non-Marines. It was perfectly obvious to Ali Hussein Ali al-Shamari and his missus what was going on when they strolled into the ballroom of the Radisson Hotel.Still, Mr Zarqawi has now announced his intention to decapitate King Abdullah. "Your star is fading," he declared. "You will not escape your fate, you descendant of traitors. We will be able to reach your head and chop it off."
Good luck, pal. I don't know what Islamist Suicide-Bombing For Dummies defines as a "soft target" but a Jordanian-Palestinian wedding in the public area of an hotel in a Muslim country with no infidel troops must come pretty close to the softest target of all time. Even more revealing, look at who Zarqawi dispatched to blow up his brother Muslims: why would he send Ali Hussein Ali al-Shamari, one of his most trusted lieutenants, to die in an operation requiring practically no skill?
Hat tip to The Anchoress
Thursday, November 17, 2005
It snowed today
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Read the map, people!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
The season never ends.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Who is THE DIFF for?
The murder of Saddam's lawyers
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The Best Sports Announcers
Hockey - Gary Thorne
Basketball - Joe Tait
Baseball - Tom Hamilton, Matt Underwood, Craig Deas, Steve Lyons, Joe Buck is ok, Lou Pinnella
Football - Pat Summerall with John Madden, Mike Tirico, Howard Cossell
Golf - Mike Tirico, Jim Nantz
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
A good start for the Cavaliers
In the first half the Hornets got away with too many open shots, but adjustments were seemingly made.
Now for my gripe. With about five minutes left, "The Q" began to empty. I know it is a work/school night, but c'mon! It is only 9:55 as write this. What do Cleveland sports fans need to stick around to the final horn/whistle/gun/out?
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Why are my favorite rockers Scots?
Does the time change bother you?
What is up with this??
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Like I said....WhiteSox in 4!
Well, it was a good run Ozzie! I'm sure that you can find work in Venezuela. Houston looked like the Indians....losing by one run in almost every game...close, but no cigar. The dream season is over now.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I will never drink Gatorade again.
Cleveland sports fans, drink your conscience! H2O is the way to go!!!!!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Time for predictions!
Not that I am happy about it. I'm considering rooting for the Astros. I like the way the killer B's play the game. On the other hand, the White Sox also play the game really fundamentally well (obviously) . If the Sox do win, it might salve the wound inflicted on Indians fans in the last week of the season. How? Here is the twisted logic; it is better that the team that dominates you dominate everyone. This way we Wahoo lovers can say; "See! The Tribe fell under a crushing juggernaut! Who could expect anything else?"
But I'd really like to see the Astros fans give Ozzie the choke sign when it is all over!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
how does one post a photo?
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Stop Me When I Am Lying: What will I read on Sundays?
Monday, October 17, 2005
The White Sox will win the World Series.
I think the Astros will be the NL representative. I don't feel strongly about it, but I would prefer St. Louis. Why? Who knows? I quess I like the traditional look of the uniforms. Possibly the lamest reason to pick a team. Thank God I'm not a betting man.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
What a football Saturday that was!
By the way, the mighty Bowling Green State University Falcons were victorious!
Friday, October 14, 2005
I'm with the Infidel Crusaders
Be that as it may, I came across that al Qa'ida letter that was released by the Director of National Intelligence. It seems #2 (al-Zawahiri ) tells #3 ( al-Zarqawi) to (Im para-phrasing) "Hang in there buddy, this war is being waged in the media as much as it is being waged with munitions. And you know how the American media is. Remember Viet Nam? P. S. Send money"
Actual quote:
"You might ask an important question: What drives me to broach these matters
while we are in the din of war and the challenges of killing and combat?My answer is, firstly: Things may develop faster than we imagine. The aftermath of the collapse of American power in Vietnam-and how they ran and left their agents-is noteworthy. Because of that, we must be ready starting now, before events overtake us, and before we are surprised by the conspiracies of the Americans and the United Nations and their plans to fill the void behind them. We must take the initiative and impose a fait accompli upon our enemies, instead of the enemy imposing one on us.."
The comparison of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Viet Nam is flawed on several levels.
- The fact is, Iraq isn't a small containment operation that ballooned.
- The fact is, the Iraqis are actually voting to ratify a constitution this week.
- The fact is, that the American soldier and Marine are volunteers this time around.
All these facts contrast 'Nam. The constant is the media. If you follow the link above and read the letter, you will see that the polygamous Islamofacists are relying on their unwitting (I pray) dupes in the press to spin events in the manner the terrorists desire. I'm sure the bastards will not be disappointed.
As an aside, note how al-Zawahi laments that his favorite wife was killed by the Infidels. Would it been OK with him if his third favorite wife was killed?
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Four More Years! (at least)

Hard to believe Joyce K and I tied the knot, got hitched, entered into wedded bliss four years ago today. I know this might not sound right, but it seems longer. Not in the way that unpleasant things seem to last longer that enjoyable things, just the opposite. We are so settled in a comfy house with two delightful and amusing kids, it just does not seem possible that I was a bachelor so recently. Happy anniversary, [insert embarassing pet name here]!!!!
How do I work this thing
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
It was six years ago today...
My new job
Monday, October 10, 2005
Day three and day one.
Well folks, this is my third day on Blogger and so far I am pleased with ease of use and such. Expect this solo act to be a duet, trio or quartet soon.
This was also my first day on the new job. Observations:
- I know where the water cooler is.
- I know the (first) names of the majority of the people in my department. It is a small department, mind you.
- Tomorrow I will ask where the men's room is. That is one of those things I would really feel strange asking for the first time in week two.
- My boss uses Blogger, too.
- It was particularly good to see the smiling faces of the wife and my boys at the end of the day.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Two Days, Two Posts. I'm batting 1.000
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Why blog? Why now?
My plan is this; a core group of trusted individuals opine at will. Others comment. Very simple! Shall we commence? I think we shall.