Sunday, November 13, 2005

Read the map, people!

I don't consider myself a particularly fastidious homeowner. I try to keep the grass cut in the summer and the sidewalk scraped in the winter. And in the fall, I try to get the leaves raked into our leaf bags or yard waste cans. Every year our community is kind enough to distribute a map at the beginning of the season showing the schedule for leaf pick-up. On the weeks my neighborhood is on the schedule, I rake the leaves to the tree lawn the closest day practical to the pick-up date. Is this a difficult concept? I guess it is. Some of my neighbors will rake the leaves to the curb anytime the fancy strikes them. Did I mention that Autumn is a windy time of year in this part of the world? You can deduce what follows. My leaves are in cans and bags and their leaves are on my lawn. I implore you, good people in a seven house radius, read the map!

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