Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Give me a break, Greeley

Andrew Greeley is a Catholic priest and a writer of, um, popular literature. His way with words is so crafty, so nimble, so superior to most of us that he can write this:

I was wrong about the first McCain/Obama debate. A third of the way through the event, I said to one of my guests, "My guy is getting creamed!" Note that I did not say, "My candidate is being beaten into the ground." I don't have a candidate. Priests, like columnists, are not supposed to endorse a candidate. But one of the candidates is from my state and my city, and we shared a pulpit once. So of course I hope he wins. But that doesn't mean I endorse him. As I have said repeatedly in this column, I think he will lose because the country is not ready for a smart, attractive, charismatic man -- if he has skin slightly darker than a Sicilian's.
A breathtaking journey of name-dropping, sarcasm, political prognostication, disdain of his countrymen (countrypersons?) and bigotry in one short paragraph.

Keep keeping those endorsements to yourself Andy!

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